Leader Development & Growth

Catalyst Ed is a national nonprofit organization that seeks to rapidly and effectively match education organizations to specific technical assistance and capacity building, thus addressing any challenges they might encounter. In their pursuit of transforming the educational landscape, Catalyst Ed recognized the crucial need to enhance collaboration and communication within their leadership team as they planned for future transitions. To address these multifaceted challenges, we supported a Leadership team retreat to administer the DiSC Workstyles Personality Profile to their leadership team. As certified leadership coaches, we used the following key strategies were implemented to support their transition: 

  1. DiSC Workstyles Personality Profile: The DiSC Workstyles Personality Profile was administered to Catalyst Ed's leadership team. This comprehensive assessment provided valuable insights into individual work styles, motivations, stressors, and preferred approaches to conflict resolution.

  2. Two-Day Retreat: A pivotal two-day retreat was organized to facilitate team development and community building. This retreat encompassed crucial sessions on various aspects, including an introduction to the DiSC assessment, the collaborative development of organizational norms, techniques for managing positive conflict and enhancing communication styles within the leadership team.

  3. Individual Profiles and One-on-One Discussions: Individual DiSC profiles were analyzed in-depth, and one-on-one discussions were conducted with each leader. These discussions aimed to identify specific areas of conflict and develop tailored strategies for addressing these issues collectively as a team, as well as individually.


  • Increased Self-Awareness: The DiSC Workstyles Personality Profile significantly heightened self-awareness among team members. It empowered them with a deeper understanding of their own work styles and those of their colleagues.

  • Adopted Common Language: The DiSC assessment provided the leadership team with a shared language to discuss work styles, leading to improved communication and more effective resolution of conflicts.

  • Transitional Clarity: The leadership team achieved a newfound clarity regarding their roles and responsibilities, and developed a comprehensive plan to move forward.


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